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      //| mymacd v2 12/11/05
      #property link “jpygbp@yahoo.com”
      #property indicator_buffers 5
      #property indicator_separate_window
      #property indicator_color1 HotPink    //macd
      #property indicator_color2 Lime     //signal
      #property indicator_color3 Gray  //histogram
      #property indicator_color4 Blue  //macd[1]
      #property indicator_color5 Black     //zero line
      //—- buffers
      double Buffer1[]; //macd
      double Buffer2[]; //signal
      double Buffer3[]; //histogram
      double Buffer4[]; //macd[1]
      double Buffer5[]; //zero line
      extern int FastEMA = 9;
      extern int SlowEMA = 64;
      extern int SignalSMA = 112;
      //extern bool plotMACD = true;
      //extern bool plotSignalLine = true;
      //extern bool plotHistogram = true;
      //extern bool plotMACDOneBarAgo = true;
      //extern bool plotZeroLine = true;
      extern bool plotArrows = false;
      extern double HistThreshold = 0;
      int limit = 0;
      int fontsize=10;
      int i = 0;
      bool InLTrade = false;
      bool InSTrade = false;
      int init()
         //—- indicators
      string NewArrow(datetime T1, double P1, color collor)
         string N=StringConcatenate(“A”,collor,”-“,TimeToStr(T1));
         int AC=SYMBOL_STOPSIGN;
         ObjectCreate(N, OBJ_ARROW, 0, T1, P1);
         ObjectSet(N, OBJPROP_ARROWCODE, AC);
         ObjectSet(N, OBJPROP_COLOR, collor);
         ObjectSet(N, OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);
      int deinit()
      int start()
         int counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();
         if(counted_bars<0) return(-1);//—- check for possible errors
         if(counted_bars>0) counted_bars–;//—- last counted bar will be recounted
         for(i=0; i<limit; i++)//—- macd counted in the 1-st buffer histogram
         for(i=0; i<limit; i++)//—- signal line counted in the 2-nd buffer line
         for(i=0; i<limit; i++)//—- histogram is the difference between macd and signal line
         for(i=1; i<limit; i++)//—- macd[1]
         if (plotArrows)
            InLTrade = false;
            InSTrade = false;
            for(int i=Bars;i>=0;i–)
               if ((Buffer3[i-1]  > 0) && (Buffer3[i] HistThreshold)//Long Begin
                 string upArrow1=NewArrow(Time[i-1], High[i-1]+0.0005, Blue);
                  InLTrade = true;
               if ((Buffer3[i-1]   0) && Buffer3[i-1] < -HistThreshold)//Short Begin
                  string dnArrow1=NewArrow(Time[i-1], Low[i-1]-0.0003, Red);
                  InSTrade = true;
                  InLTrade = false;  
               if ((InSTrade  == true) && (Buffer3[i-1] > Buffer3[i]))//Short End
                  string upArrow2=NewArrow(Time[i-1], Low[i-1]-0.0003, Aqua);
                  InSTrade = false;
               if ((InLTrade == true) && (Buffer3[i-1] < Buffer3[i]))//Long End
                  string dnArrow2=NewArrow(Time[i-1], High[i-1]+0.0005, Aqua);
                  InLTrade = false;   


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