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    Xtreme Binary Bot – profitable system for binary options【源码】

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  • Lv.9

    Xtreme Binary Bot is not a robot, despite the name, it is a profitable manual trading system for binary options. This strategy is designed only for the time frame M5 and the can be used for any currency pairs, indices, commodities and stocks. Signals of indicators are not repaint. Xtreme Binary Bot (or Binary Options Extreme Trading System) gives a lot of signals during the trading day, but not all of them are profitable. How to filter out false signals we discuss in this article.

    Characteristics of the Xtreme Binary Bot System
    • Platform: Metatrader4

    • Asset: Any currency pair, any indices, any stocks and any commodities

    • Trading Time: Any, recommended European and American sessions

    • Timeframe: M5

    • Expiry: 5 min

    • Recommended broker: Binomo, Binary, IQOption

    Rules of trade by Xtreme Binary Bot

    Buy CALL when:

    1. There was a signal the Up and blue arrow up

    2. On the informer inscription Market Condition: SAFE TRADE

    3. Channel is directed upwards

    4. Indicator Xtreme W.A. Explosion of green

    Example of CALL (click to enlarge):
    Xtreme Binary Bot – profitable system for binary options【源码】Xtreme Binary Bot – profitable system for binary options【源码】

    Buy PUT when:

    1. There was a signal Down and red arrow down

    2. On the informer inscription Market Condition: SAFE TRADE

    3. Channel is directed downwards

    4. Indicator Xtreme W.A. Explosion of red

    Example of PUT (click to enlarge):

    Xtreme Binary Bot – profitable system for binary options【源码】Xtreme Binary Bot – profitable system for binary options【源码】

    Very important! For a successful trade with Star Profit Option requires broker that does not create delays in the opening positions and has a zero spread. That is a broker Binomo. In addition, Binomo regulated by International Finance Commission:

    In the archives Xtreme_Binary_Bot.rar:

    • EMA_Cross__SES__BDv8_12_31.mq4

    • WAExplosion.ex4

    • Xtreme Binary Robot Channel.ex4

    • Xtreme Binary Robot Ultimate Edition.ex4

    • binary options extreme.tpl

    • xtreme_binary_robot_ultimate.tpl

    Xtreme Binary Bot【源码】.rar
    120.69 KB,下载次数:0,下载积分:活跃 -2,售价:10 金币[记录]



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