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    High Power Binary System

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  • Lv.9

    High Power Binary System has been designed for short-term trading classical PUT / CALL binary options. This indicator algorithm, built on a large number of traditional and unconventional copyright filters. Some of them are trendy, some – signaland are also available oscillators, so the generally strategy takes into account all aspects of the market changes.

    As a term of expiration is best used period on timeframe (TF) – TF * 3. That is, if you analyze the market on the M5, then select the period of life of a binary option should be no more than 15 minutes.

    Characteristics of High Power Binary System
    • Platform: Metatrader4

    • Asset: Any currency pair, any indices, any stocks and any commodities

    • Trading Time: Any, recommended European and American sessions

    • Timeframe: M5 or higher

    • Expiry: 3 candles (for M5 – 15 min, and so forth)

    • Recommended broker: Binomo, Binary, IQOption

    Installing of indicators and template of High Power Binary System
    1. Unpack the archive with templates and indicators.

    2. Copy the indicators to the folder Files/Open Data Folder/MQL4/Indicators.

    3. The template is copied to the folder Files/Open Data Folder/templates.

    4. Restart the terminal.

    5. Open the desired graph of the currency pair.

    6. Set the template High power binary option 2015.

    7. Switch to the TF M5 or higher, of your choice.

    Rules of trade by High Power Binary System

    Rules strategy as a whole may seem primitive. Primitively rely on the testimony of arrows! Let's just say, the arrows in the indicators are made for easier of perception signal, and, judging by the list of indicators within the template, the basis of their testimony is quite real.

    CALL signals:

    1. On the graph has a yellow arrow pointing up.

    2. On the RSI indicator appeared white arrow up.

    3. Yellow line of Stochastic is above the red line.

    High Power Binary System

    PUT signals:

    1. On the graph appeared red down arrow.

    2. On the RSI indicator appeared white arrow down.

    3. Yellow stochastic line is below the red line.

    High Power Binary System

    As far as can be seen on the graph with the indicator set in the terminal, the strategy High Power Binary System has its origins in the currency market. However, since it is short-term and working on small range, it can be applied to binary options.

    Very important! For a successful trade with Star Profit Option requires broker that does not create delays in the opening positions and has a zero spread. That is a broker Binomo. In addition, Binomo regulated by International Finance Commission:

    In the archives High_Power_Binary_System.rar:

    • RSI-3TF_ALERT.ex4

    • Stochastic.ex4

    • T3MA-ALARM.ex4

    • High power binary option 2015.tpl

    High Power Binary System.rar
    38.99 KB,下载次数:0,下载积分:活跃 -2,售价:10 金币[记录]



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