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    Impulse Trading – trading system for binary options

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  • Lv.9

    Impulse Trading System intended for binary options trading, and is built on a combination of impulse indicator AA-indicator and the 123PatternsV6 indicator. The strategy is universal and suitable for any trading assets and on any timeframes.

    Characteristics of the Impulse Trading

    • Platform: Metatrader4

    • Asset: Any currency pair, any indices, any stocks and any commodities

    • Trading Time: European and American sessions

    • Timeframe: M5 and higher

    • Expiry: 6 candles (30 minutes for M5, 90 minutes for M15)

    • Recommended broker: IQOption, Deriv Binomo

    Installing Impulse Trading:

    1. Unpack the archive with indicators and template.
    2. Copy the folders MQL4 and template in directory of your terminal File/Open Data Folder:

    Impulse Trading – trading system for binary options
    3. Restart terminal.
    4. Open the graph of desired currency pair.
    5. Install on a graph template with the name Impulse Trading:

    Impulse Trading – trading system for binary options

    The graph should look like this:

    Impulse Trading – trading system for binary options

    Rules of trade by Impulse Trading

    CALL signal:

    1. On the aa-indicator appeared green impulse above the level of 20 (1).

    2. Appeared blue arrow (2) and the price broke through the blue line of the123PatternV6 indicator from the bottom to top (3):

    Impulse Trading – trading system for binary options

    PUT signal:

    1. On the aa-indicator appeared red impulse above the level of 20 (1).

    2. Appeared red arrow (2) and the price broke through the red line of the123PatternV6 indicator from top to bottom (3):

    Impulse Trading – trading system for binary options

    In the strategy for binary options trading Impulse Trading is recommended to introduce additional indicators that will allow create additional conditions for the earlier purchase of the option. Also not recommended to trade before and during the appearance of important economic events.

    Very important! For a successful trade with Star Profit Option requires broker that does not create delays in the opening positions and has a zero spread. That is a broker Binomo. In addition, Binomo regulated by International Finance Commission:

    Impulse Trading – trading system for binary options   Impulse Trading – trading system for binary options   Impulse Trading – trading system for binary options

    In the archive Impulse_Trading.rar:

    • 123PatternsV6.ex4

    • 123PatternsV6.mq4

    • aa-indicator.ex4

    • aa-indicator.mq4

    • Impulse Trading.tpl

    Impulse Trading【源码】.zip
    89.09 KB,下载次数:0,下载积分:活跃 -2,售价:10 金币[记录]



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